Added May 2021
Another escalator maze but you may find it a little tough to get started. Perseverance is the key. Unlike most of my escalator mazes, the first word in this maze must be three letters long rather than four.
Maze rules:
- Get from the W at the top-left to the E at the bottom-right, forming a chain of valid words along the way.
- Valid words must lie along straight lines, either orthogonally or diagonally, just like in a wordsearch.
- The first word must be exactly four letters long; thereafter, words should either be one letter greater or one letter fewer than the previous word (e.g. the second word can be either three or five letters long).
- Words will be accepted if they abide by the criteria common to all my word mazes.
- Here's a reminder of the permitted two letter words: am, an, as, at, be, by, do, go, ha, he, hi, ho, if, in, is, it, me, mu, my, no, nu, of, oh, ok, on, or, ox, pi, so, to, up, us, we, xi, ye.
Having trouble? Here's a .
Still having trouble? You can view the if you are really struggling. This will ruin the puzzle for you, so I would strongly advise against giving up too early!